An Occasional Roundup of Facts and Tidbits
to help negotiate the return from Covid
There is far too much to keep track of. Everyone shouting look at me! This is the new way! The best new shiny thingy.
With this Weekly Roundup, we’re sorting through the dross, fools gold and chimeras to brings solid information about translation and how it works with insights and market research.
These Roundups will update throughout a week, then be shared, to ready for a new week’s collection of relevant items.
From the Department of UX
Thoughts from Quirks: Understanding individual consumer experiences matters
As individuals, one language, like one size, will not fit all. And the more languages offered, the deeper the insights.
From the Department of Multicultural Marketing
If the big boys are going multicultural, it’s time to take a look: P & G signs multiyear deal with MLS.
From the Department of Survey Design
When thinking of Participant Loyalty, not overlook the importance of using native languages. Fluent in English, but at home with another—provide that other one. The participant sees the effort. And your respect.
Span the Pond: How To Cultivate Survey Participant Loyalty